How to uninstall net framework
How to uninstall net framework

how to uninstall net framework

The location is in the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework folder and also the Framework64 folder for 64-bit systems. NET program files are stored to see what’s in there. NET that are integrated into the operating system will not show.Īnother manual way of checking is to look in the folders where most of the. This is a very basic way to check but could also be wrong because the uninstall entries that are displayed can be easily be removed from the registry or left over from a previous install. One of them is through “Programs and features” or “Add and Remove Programs” in Control Panel. There are a few manual ways of checking which versions of Microsoft. It currently supports and detects from 1.0 up to the latest. Net Framework Installed Versions Getter script is hosted on Github and makes the information easier to read for most users. NET versions and show the information in a much more friendly way. NET 1 or 1.1 as they are at a different place in the registry to all other versions.Īnother option is downloading a ready made PowerShell script that will detect. The list of names is slightly unfriendly and you won’t get better information like service pack numbers or minor revisions. Gci ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP’ -recurse | gp -name Version -EA 0 | where | select PSChildName, Version NET versions is by querying the Registry, and PowerShell can do that quite easily. Like our own tool does, the best method of determining installed. NET present on your computer, many methods found online give incomplete results. While it’s possible to use Command Prompt or PowerShell to get the versions of. That can make it difficult to determine whether minor or service pack versions are installed.ĥ. The information provided in both the GUI and command line tool gives a version number as opposed to an easily readable name. The command line version doesn’t need administrative privileges like the GUI version does. Inside the zip file, there is a command line version (.com file) that you can use in batch files. Some buttons are provided for copying the information to the clipboard and printing or emailing it. There is also a check on the version number of the currently installed Internet Explorer which might be useful for older systems. Make sure to run this tool as Administrator, even if you are an Administrator, otherwise nothing will be shown in the window relating to version numbers. When we tried, Version Check detected the latest. Version Check is aging a bit these days and hasn’t been updated for several years, but it still works.

How to uninstall net framework