Wow this is cool
Wow this is cool

wow this is cool wow this is cool

In Yazd, the wind catcher soon proved indispensable, making this part of the hot and arid Iranian Plateau livable. Yazd is said to have the most wind catchers in the world, though they may have originated in ancient Egypt. They are often rectangular towers, but they also appear in circular, square, octagonal and other ornate shapes. These remarkable structures are a common sight soaring above the rooftops of Yazd. Yazd is home to a system of ancient engineering marvels that include an underground refrigeration structure called y akhchāl, an underground irrigation system called qanats, and even a network of couriers called pirradaziš that predate postal services in the US by more than 2,000 years.Īmong Yazd's ancient technologies is the wind catcher, or bâdgir in Persian. The city of Yazd in the desert of central Iran has long been a focal point for creative ingenuity.

Wow this is cool